Wednesday, May 13, 2009


What are your goals for your students by the end of next school year?

Our vision and goals remain, but how will we integrate 21st Century skills into our teaching and learning?


  1. I would really like our students to be better critical thinkers and problems solvers . I think that by working through the process of creating a project they will learn to be more self directed, resourceful and responsible for their own learning.

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  3. Of course I would like to be way over in the Transformation column but I will be very happy to be in the Infusion stage. I will be happy just to be moving to the right.....

  4. accessing information through technology
    using technology to create projects and learning activities
    developing tech skills and confidence in technology

  5. I would like my students to be more efficient problem solvers. I would also want them to be more self-directed in the classroom. I want my students to be more confident and ethical when using technology.

  6. I envision a classroom where students meet or exceed the grade level expectations in all content areas. They will have evidence of their learning -- rigorous and relevant projects which build on positive relationships with their peers and adults in the classroom.

    The DOE has a new "Literacy for Learning" policy with 6 guiding principles. I see these classes as the model for learning in the 21st Century with engaged learners using inquiry and research skills to build and share their knowledge.

  7. I'd like to see the students use various computer programs to produce quality work to show what they are learning. I think technology can be a powerful tool for a child at any grade level, and teachers alike, to enhance learning. One concern I have is giving the students the opportunity to learn about anything and everything that the computer world has to offer yet being able to be ethical users. Another concern is finding ways for the teachers to learn all of this before they can incorporate it into their plans.
    Until we have a plan in place for student exploration and learning and teacher training can we move forward with this Tech PLC. It is a definite possibility if we can work and support each other within this group as well as include our own grade level teachers as resources.

  8. One goal I have for my students is to be able to use a variety of technologies to show their learning. I would also like to have students that are independent and ethical users of technology. Keeping our vision and mission in mind I would like students to be able to use technology in everyday life situations.

  9. These are my goals for our Tech PLC:
    To actively encourage the teachers and their students in the total immersion of technology .
    To deliver inservice that originates with reflective practice.
    To archive the journey for research purposes.

  10. I think that we have the perfect opportunity to use "21st century" skills with our kids. We already know that we want our students to be global citizens and they probably already have a lot of technological expertise so our job is to guide them into using these skills ethically and to access more skills. I KNOW that they will be totally engaged! I plan to learn a lot from my students as well as to learn along with them. We will truly be a classroom of learners.

  11. I see a classroom where the students are working independently, solving their own problems, and applying what they have learned to solve issues beyond the classroom.
